Local Governments and Local Leaders leading through the Covid-19 Crisis.

Joshua A. Simmons
3 min readMar 28, 2020

Recently, FEMA issued guidelines that local governments should be taking the lead on seeing their cities and counties through the Covid 19 crisis. According to the acting FEMA director, local entities should be in charge of messaging, policies, and any other directive that is necessary during this state of emergency.

The White House, FEMA, and the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis want local governments to exercise their full authority and capabilities to see their residents through this crisis, but during every Florida state legislative session local governments are prohibited from taking a number of actions that will benefit and protect their residents.

We can fight a life changing virus, but we can’t control where Airbnb’s operate. We are charged with making sure our residents are safe and healthy during a global health crisis but we can’t implement local gun safety measures to reduce and prevent mass shootings. We are suppose to make sure that we have incident command systems in place to protect the public at this time, but we can’t implement environment friendly policies aimed at reducing micro plastics that every organism on this planet is now ingesting. I don’t often like to call out hypocrisies, but come on!

The same people championing local governments during this crisis should never forget what a local government can do during an emergency. It is your local government and local elected officials that had the courage to issue stay at home orders when the State of Florida lost its nerve to do right by its citizens.

Local governments are churning out information left and right to keep residents informed to prevent panic. Local government and local elected officials are making sure their resident’s utilities stay functional while doing their best to prop up local businesses to keep them operational during the near global shut down of many industries. These leaders are checking in with the most vulnerable people in their cities and counties. Assisted Living Facilities and Senior facilities are under the watchful eye of the local government. Local elected officials have stood tall for their constituents by fighting against their own state governments and corporations who are only looking out for their own financial interests.

When the dust settles from this crisis, it will be local governments and local elected officials that pick up the pieces and find a way to move forward, no matter what shape they are in. It will be the local governments that will need to provide an outlet for residents to find joy through tragedy. Local elected officials around the country are doing their best to interact with and bond with their residents to get through each day as all of our lives change.

Maybe now you all are seeing the power of local government and why local elected officials, such as myself, fight so hard to make sure we have the space and authority to take care of its residents when it absolutely matters.



Joshua A. Simmons

Joshua is a current Vice Mayor with the City of Coral Springs, FL. He is the first African-American to be elected since the city’s incorporation in 1963.